Thursday 20 January 2011

Site map for the Hoxton website, made on illustrator and designed to keep a similar style to the corporate identity 

Monday 17 January 2011

Screen shot of the home page for the web design brief. I created the website to have simple feel and also make it very easy to navigate. I think the colour scheme works well with the other components of the breif.
I finally decided upon a logo for the web design brief. Originally I chose a logo similar to this from the development stage but I didn't like how it looked when made in illustrator. I simplified to logo slightly and reduced the number of colours. I liked the new version much better I also feel the logo is memorable and stands out I decided to show the logo in a small range of colours to show its versatility which I think it important for a clothing company logo. 

Thursday 9 December 2010

The brilliant IRNBRU snowman advert is back on TV for christmas.
A mood-board I made for the latest brief, which shall involving creating a website for a clothing company. For the brand I have chosen the name "Hoxton" which shall be mainly be a winter fashion brand selling clothes which not only look good, but are comfortable and help keep you warm in cold weather, Winter sports gear will also be sold. The brand will have a cool Britannia feel. 

Monday 29 November 2010

Please enter your details here:
First name: Age:
Last name:

I buy 'kitty treats'
I would like to enter the prize draw

This was made in class to gain HTML skills

Posters created for a 2 day brief which was about finding a unique way to advertise the upcoming film "rise of the apes". This Project was done as part of a group and we had to present our idea to an audience in the a lecture theater.