Monday 29 November 2010

Please enter your details here:
First name: Age:
Last name:

I buy 'kitty treats'
I would like to enter the prize draw

This was made in class to gain HTML skills

Posters created for a 2 day brief which was about finding a unique way to advertise the upcoming film "rise of the apes". This Project was done as part of a group and we had to present our idea to an audience in the a lecture theater.

Monday 22 November 2010

Can I draw the internet?

Well here is my attempt. There are two computers and the tunnel in-between is supposed to represent the internet the stick men walking in the tunnel are carrying bits of digital information such as emails, MP3's, Spam and various other things.

Monday 1 November 2010

Two ebook covers I created for Nick Hornby books. These would be used for viewing on an ipad. I also created a fictional publishing company and logo for the books. For Fever Pitch the cover is made to look like a scarf but if you zoom in closer you actually see silhouettes of people celebrating a goal. The colours are red and white which are the colours of Arsenal FC, as they are a large part of the book. The two covers have certain similarities in order to indicate the books are part of a series, in this case Nick Hornby books. These were made for the same unit as the info graphic.